As you may have heard, TUAW is being archived by its parent company AOL. The 10+ years of content that our talented team of writers and editors have crafted are due be folded into our sister site Engadget, where you'll be able to check out the archives.
It's been a long haul for us, from the heady early days of Weblogs, Inc. to the banner years when we had our booths at Macworld Expo. But unlike the popular annual Mac conference's official "on hiatus" status, this website will indeed be shutting down.
Several of us plan to continue the fun traditions of TUAW, and then take Apple blogging to places where it didn't go on this site. You'll be able to see us over at Apple World Today starting on February 9, 2015, and we hope that you'll not only join us over at our new home, but help us craft a website that will become what you want it to be.
As the TUAW blogging team scatters to the four winds, we all want to thank everyone who ever read the site, joined us for a TUAW Talkcast or TUAW TV Live, visited or partied with us at Macworld/iWorld, and followed us on Twitter or Facebook. Wherever we end up, if you see a familiar name on the byline of a post, say hello and let us know that you're still a part of the Apple community.
Oh, and if you're not sure about the reference in the title of this post, you really need to read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
TUAW Bloggers, Present and Past
Steve Sande (@stevensande, Apple World Today, podcast)
Mike Rose (@miketrose, Geekparent, podcast)
Victor Agreda, Jr. (@superpixels, site, video channel)
Mike Wehner (@mikewehner, Daily Dot)
John Michael Bond (@BondJohnBond, blog)
Yoni Heisler (@edibleapple)
Dave Caolo (@davidcaolo, Apple World Today, blog)
TJ Luoma (@tjluoma, blog)
Matt Tinsley (@mtinsleymusic, blog)
Richard Gaywood (@PenLlawen, blog)
Kelly Hodgkins (@kellyhodgkins, blog)
Michael Jones (@tuxtoaster)
Erica Sadun (@ericasadun, blog)
Chris Rawson (@rawsoncj)
Mel Martin (@melmazskies, blog)
Brett Terpstra (@ttscoff, website)
Mike Schramm (@mikeschramm, blog)
Megan Lavey-Heaton (@savvyliterate, Namesake Comic)
Christina Warren (@film_girl, Mashable)
Scott McNulty (@blankbaby)
Josh Carr (@joshcarr__ , ECIOV)
Nik Fletcher (@nikf)
Chris Ullrich (@ChrisU, The FlickCast)
Randy Nelson (@DangerPenguin)
Shawn "Doc Rock" Boyd (@DocRock, Macuser.Pro)
Kelly Guimont (@verso, The Mac Observer)
C.K. Sample III (@cksample, Meatgasm)
David Chartier (@chartier, Finer Things In Tech)
Dan Pourhadi (@pourhadi, blog)
Laurie Duncan (@macsamurai, blog)
Jan Kabili (@jankabili)
Damien Barrett (@damienbarrett)
Jay Savage (@jaysavage)
Fabien Serriere
Barb Dybwad (@doctorparadox, blog)
Dan Lurie (blog)
Cory Bohon (@coryb, blog)
Robert Palmer (@honestcode, blog)
Kevin Harter
Casey Johnston (@caseyjohnston, Ars Technica)
Joachim Bean
John Burke
Tim Wasson
Mat Lu (@matonmacs)
Joshua Ellis (@jzellis, blog)
Kurtis Seid (@KurtisSeid)
Jason Clarke (@jasonclarke)
Brett Kelly (@mrbrettkelly, blog)
Aron Trimble (@aront)
Samuel Gibbs (@samuelgibbs)
Giles Turnbull (@gilest, blog)
Rick Martin (@1rick, blog)
Michael Grothaus (@michaelgrothaus)
David Winograd
George Tinari (@gtinari)
Andy J. Williams Affleck (@aaffleck)
Jessica Buchanan
Regina Lizik (@ScarletRegina)
David Gluckman
John Emmert
Lauren Hirsch
Ken Ray (@macosken, blog)
Sang Tang
Kent Pribbernow
Todd RItter
Dan Fellini
Lisa Hoover McGreevy (@lisah)
Conrad Quilty-Harper
Marc Orchant (RIP)
Chris White (@chriswhite)
Chad Mumm (@chadmumm)
Josh Helfferich (@joshhelfferich)
Sam Abuelsamid (@samabuelsamid)
Justin Esgar (@justinesgar)
Dana Franklin
Paige Bierma (@paigebierma)
Ross Rubin (@rossrubin, Backerjack)
Ben Waldie (@applescriptguru)
Ilene Hoffman (@ilenesmachine)
Melissa Davis (@themacmommy, The Mac Mommy)
My sincere apologies to anyone I missed or for anyone whose information is incorrect or missing. Unfortunately, it won't be fixed anytime soon.
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